Printable Wall Calendars : Beautiful Designs for the Kid’s Room

Printable Yearly Wall Calendar for kids with the hand drawn illustration of a cute bunny tending to a heart shaped flower, by AnimadPrintables

Get Ready for the New Year with Our Printable Wall Calendars for Kids!

The old year fades and a new year dawns: this is the perfect time to prepare for the exciting days ahead. Our selection of Kid’s Printable Wall Calendars can help your family stay on track while adding a touch of fun to your planning routine.

Why Choose Our Printable Wall Calendars for Kids?

  • Beautiful Designs : First of all, all our calendars are hand drawn, original illustrations made by us. So when you purchase form our shop, you also support a small business. And of course, your children will love the vibrant, engaging illustrations! But there’s more!
  • Instant Download: Purchase and receive your calendar files immediately! Download, print, and start using them right away!
  • High-Quality Files: Our calendars are high-resolution PDF files (300dpi, RGB) ensuring that every print is bright and clear.
  • It’s the Perfect Last-Minute Gift : Do you need a quick and thoughtful gift? Our printable calendars are the perfect solution for last-minute shoppers!

How to Start

  1. Browse below, check out our Christmas and Seasonal Printables for kids or visit AnimadPrintables, our Etsy shop, and explore our collection of printable calendars for kids.
  2. Purchase and Download: Complete your purchase and instantly receive your calendar files.
  3. Print and Enjoy: Print the calendars at home or at a local print shop. Hang them up in your child’s room and start planning together!

Get Involved!

Do you have a great idea for a new set of flashcards, a poster, a coloring book or have you noticed your language isn’t included yet?
We’d love to hear from you!
Suggest a new topic or volunteer to translate, and we will bring your ideas to life.
Your contribution can help make learning fun and accessible for everyone.
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Happy New Year!

ANIMaD logo, with colorful text. Illustration, Animation, Educational and Fun Printables for Kids

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